These three brothers have come together to write and publish the Reckoning Series, including the five published novels, Dead Reckoning, Day of Reckoning, Force of Reckoning, Final Reckoning, and the new Internal Reckoning. All are available in print, e-book and on Audible (Internal Reckoning coming soon to Audible!). In addition, Outward Bound, a collection of short stories is also currently available in print, e-book formats, and is available on Audible. Forged By Betrayal tells a prequel story to the series, written by Jeff. He also adds Music Box Murders, a murder mystery set on a space station.
A whole new story arc in the series is now available with our most recent novel, Internal Reckoning!

Other works by the authors
“It’s full of intergalactic awesomeness!”
“Wow! Just… Wow!” ~Amazon Books Review
“Couldn’t put it down. This book was one that I just didn’t want to put down. If a book can keep you on the edge of your seat, then this is it.” ~Amazon Books Review
“Great Read” ~Amazon Books Review
“Great first series… I love the universe they have created and love the unique characters that they have developed.” ~Amazon Books Review
Readers of other bOOks in the RECKONING Series
7Cs was a nickname for the Seven Cheney brothers as they were growing up in Northwestern Oregon. 7Cs Books only represents three of the seven brothers. They have used book writing as a way of staying close as siblings. We have constantly received comments from friends and acquaintances that are amazed that three siblings can agree on anything, let alone cooperate enough to bring a project to completion. This is actually the opposite of reality for us. We have actually reinforced our friendships as we worked together. It is possible, too, that the fact that there is a separation in ages means that there are fewer actual childhood grudges to overcome. Or maybe we just share a common insanity and manage to make it work for us. Who knows…

A rOOm without bOOks is like a body without a soul.
The Reckoning Series tells the tale of the crew and Pathfinder, a unique prototype ship that will revolutionize space travel, and the parties involved in protecting the technology and those trying to illegally take it by force.
If you love a good Sci-Fi series, great characters and a cunningly twisting plot, you should check this out!
The four novels showcase Survival, Thriller/Espionage, Pursuit, Politics and War in a future vision where corporations run the galaxy!
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