This autographed eight book bundle (including Internal Reckoning, just released in Sept. 2024) is available until we sell out from our FanX Comic Convention Supplies at a discount!

You want all of the Intergalactic Awesomeness currently available?
$85 + s/h

WNS Pathfinder is a breakthrough in interstellar travel, built in the utmost secrecy and incorporating new technology that will revolutionize trade and exploration in the galaxy. Secrets are impossible to keep, however, and when word gets out, everyone wants to get their hands on her.
Captain William Brighton loses her to forces loyal to a competing government and is cast adrift in a small launch along with part of the officers and crew. With few resources, it would seem the best option would be to put down on a nearby planet and wait for rescue. But Brighton will not allow them to stay. If there is any hope of retrieving their lost ship, they must find a way to rescue themselves before Pathfinder is out of reach for good.
The odds are stacked against them. Pursued by soldiers who also want the new technology, running out of food, generating their own power, without a working navigation system, they cling to the slimmest of hopes; that their captain’s reckoning can keep them from ending up dead.
$14.99 + s/h

Ensign Monica Samuels is in deep trouble.
Just six weeks after her graduation from the Warner Naval Academy, WNS Pathfinder, her ship, is stolen by other members of the crew. They round up everyone and put them off the ship, but at the last minute, her captain sends her back to join with the thieves.
No instructions, no plans, no weapons, no backup.
What was Captain Brighton thinking?
There’s no way to tell now, but she had better figure it out fast. The thieves are getting closer to delivering Pathfinder, her secret is only one slip away from being discovered, and there’s no one on the ship she can trust; but Samuels has vowed to do her duty and protect her ship.
In order to do that, she must bring those responsible to their Day of Reckoning!
$14.99 + s/h

Commodore William Brighton was sure that losing his ship, force WNS Pathfinder, to thieves within his own crew was the worst thing he would ever have to deal with.
Now he knows that his ordeal is just beginning.
As soon as he makes it back to Earth, the chase is on to find and retrieve Pathfinder. But the longer he spends in pursuit, the more evidence he uncovers that the enemies of his government are more numerous and better prepared than anyone on Earth is aware.
As deep as the conspiracy runs, though, those enemies will soon learn that William Brighton is a force to be reckoned with!
$14.99 + s/h

Commodore William Brighton has done what he set out to do. With Lieutenant Samuels’ help, he has reclaimed his stolen ship WNS Pathfinder. But for how long can he keep it?
In what should have been friendly territory, Brighton finds himself surrounded by enemy warships. The Forrest Family knows all too well how much is riding on the outcome of the battle that is taking shape, and they are pulling out all the stops to keep the ship for themselves.
The stakes are just as high for Brighton and his dauntless officers and crew. Risking their lives is part of the oath they all took when joining the Warner Navy, but if Brighton cannot somehow keep the new technology Pathfinder represents from falling back into Forrest’s hands, the future of the Warner Family would be bleak at best.
For both sides, there is no possibility of surrender or retreat. Brighton must use every resource he has, every trick or maneuver he’s ever known, and every speck of cleverness he can muster to try to carry the day.
His fear is that, in the final reckoning, all of it may not be enough.
$14.99 + s/h

William Brighton is graduating from the Warner Naval Academy. His world should be perfect, but someone is out to keep him from accepting the chance of a lifetime. What can a Born Explorer do when he’s unjustly grounded?
Monica’s family has discovered a serious problem, one that could spell ruin for everyone. Now she’s being asked to sacrifice everything to save the rest. At 16, she’s always given Whatever the Family Needs, but this time, are they asking too much?
Two cadets go camping and hiking for their Senior Year Break. How were they supposed to know one of them would be mistaken for a Vice President’s son and they would both be kidnapped. Now they are Lost and Alone in the wilderness and wondering if they will ever get the chance to graduate, … or survive.
Plus two more complete stories from the Reckoning Universe!
A signed edition available for order! This novel is also available on Amazon, Kindle and Audible.
$14.99 + s/h

WNS Pathfinder is a breakthrough in interstellar travel, built in the utmost secrecy and incorporating new technology that will revolutionize trade and exploration in the galaxy. Secrets are impossible to keep, however, and when word gets out, everyone wants to get their hands on her.
Captain William Brighton loses her to forces loyal to a competing government and is cast adrift in a small launch along with part of the officers and crew. The few loyalists who remain behind, led by Ensign Samuels, look for any means they can contrive to keep the ship from being able to rendezvous with those that want to steal her. Not only does she need to save Pathfinder, but find a way to rescue her captain and crewmates from a slow and painful death.
Brighton is resourceful enough to find his own means of escape, and in turn, looks to recover his old ship. The search, though, leads to learning that the competing government has plans for much more than simple theft, plans that threaten his government’s very existence! The stakes could not be higher, and Brighton and crew must do all they can to be sure they measure up to this great reckoning!
A completely signed 4-book set available for order!
$49.99 + s/h

Lieutenant Sheli Chowdhury, Warner Space Marines, came to Humboldt with no
greater objective than to complete her Combined Fleet requirements. She didn’t
know why a criminal investigative unit would ask for her, a combat Marine. With
no security experience, it made no sense, but sometimes military life was just
that way. So, she would simply have to keep doing her job until she could
figure out why she was there.
After spending several weeks investigating seemingly unconnected problems
that made less and less sense, all she had was confusion, a mystery, and pieces
of a puzzle that refused to fit.
Caught unprepared, she barely escaped the ambush she never suspected. Finding
herself in the midst of a shooting war, her troops look to her for answers she
cannot give them. She understands less of what’s going on with every new piece
of evidence uncovered.
She wants to do her duty and bring her people through the conflict alive. But
to achieve that goal, she has to deduce who she can trust. The more she learns
about what is going on, the less clear the answer is.
She has to believe someone, but trusting the wrong people will inevitably
lead to a bitter betrayal.
$14.99 + s/h

Devon Ortega came to Freedom Station to get away from crime.
There hadn’t been a violent murder for years on Freedom Station, and that was the way he liked it. He had spent six years on the serial killer task force of the New LA Police Force and had had enough. After a his wife had been murdered by a serial killer striking out at him, he had quit his job, and left for the greener pastures of the space station that had been originally settled by religious separatists trying to get away for the same reason.
But now it looks like it was all in vain.
A serial killer has come to Freedom Station.
$14.99 + s/h

While supplies last, we will have a limited 15th Anniversary Hardback Edition Dead Reckoning with original cover art. All signed!
$29.99 + s/h
Available ONLY While Supplies Last!

Lieutenant Monica Samuels believes in doing the right thing. That solid moral compass is what allows her shipmates to trust her, and her subordinates to follow her leadership.
When she is imprisoned and accused of mutiny and treason, those who know her can’t believe it. When the charges are proven against her, the trust that once existed is shattered.
Not the trust for Monica Samuels, but trust in the military justice that should have rewarded Samuels for doing the right thing.
Yet Samuels has been pretending to be someone she is not for many years, and when her secret is revealed, her staunchest supporters are those who feel most betrayed.
The overall premise of Internal Reckoning revolves around Lieutenant Monica Samuels navigating complex political intrigue, betrayal, and warfare within a futuristic military setting. The narrative explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the moral complexities of leadership amidst interstellar conflict. It asks and answers the question, how much will one sacrifice to see justice prevail?